3 ways to become a Master Teacher

What makes a Master Teacher?
I break down becoming a master teacher into 3 categories.
1) subject
2) craft
3) heart

1) Subject
To be a master teacher, one must know something to teach. If you appear competent, it allows the student to open their mind and heart to your message. You don’t have to be a world-renowned expert, although that helps to instill confidence in the students minds. You just need to know more than your students. Never the less, you cannot draw upon an empty well. You must be prepared to share your personal mastery of a subject.

2) Craft
To be a master teacher, you must perfect the craft of teaching. Teaching is a craft. Not everyone has the talent naturally, or the patience to master the craft. To be a master teacher requires working knowledge, experience, and knowing your audience, in applying techniques. How should one present a difficult topic? How to ask effective questions? When to let students struggle for answers? Understanding the power of silence. Becoming a guide on the side in students journeys.

3) Heart
To be a master teacher, one must have a steady, open heart. This is where love and understanding your audience is paramount. How can you pick up on the heartbeat of your class if your heart is clouded over? Or if your mind is clouded with logistics of a lesson that you miss the “spirit of the lesson” trying to teach you and your students. Having a heart of a master teacher is one that is calm, ready, open to teach and be taught.

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